Tuesday, February 12, 2013

If I were racist ...

The libertarian movement is often accused of racism. Sure, there are very few African Americans at the Tea Party rallies and there is the rare but highly visible anti-Obama racist in the crowd. And although the left has been accused of planting the occasional redneck with a fake KKK tattoo for the benefit of MSNBC's cameras, I have no doubt that at least a few of these idiots are sincere.

But what if I were really a racist? What if I wanted to hurt black people as much as possible? I'm not talking short term or minor stuff ... how can I maximize the damage generation after generation? What if my goal was to keep them out of my nice, upscale neighborhood and off my country club golf course? Keep them out of my kids' schools and out of my workplace? Not just to make sure I don't bump into them as I go about my day, but to make sure no decent white people ever bump into them.

Sounds horrible, right? It is horrible. I doubt there are many people around today who think like this, thank God.

But what if I did think like this? What if I were in a position of power? What would I do? What policies would I put in place to satisfy my twisted attitudes?

First, I would promote the idea that it's not their fault that they are suffering. I would stand up in community centers and churches and blame slavery and white people for their misfortunes. I would do my best to convince them that the cards are stacked against them and even if they do study and work hard, the white man will never give them a fair chance. I would give this narrative sympathetic airplay on cable news talk shows and in movies and TV shows.

I would put in place affirmative action and quotas, embedding in people's minds that there are a limited number of places in the mainstream world for blacks. This would fly in the face of traditional American meritocracy and give blacks the stigma of not having earned their success.

I would implement a minimum wage, reducing the number of open jobs in the world. It would also eliminate apprenticeship programs that have traditionally helped people get themselves out of poverty.

I would promote diversity and sensitivity policies that reduce workplaces to sterile, politically correct vacuums where diversity is not celebrated, but ignored for the fear of saying the wrong thing. This would have the effect of exclusion, not inclusion.

I would institutionalize welfare and medicaid to ensure that an entitlement mentality permeates every corner of poor, black culture. It would turn otherwise productive people into a dependent class as well as ensure that every new generation grows up knowing no other way of life.

I would build public housing to segregate blacks from mainstream society. This would have the added benefit of ensure the entitlement mentality touches every resident.

I would give out free stuff galore (Obamaphones!), all the while promising to give even more in the future ... just in case someone was thinking about studying or working harder.

In other words, if I were truly a racist and I wanted to appear to be helping but actually be hurting, I would adopt the policies of the left. Because what really matters is not intentions nor policies nor narratives nor what feels good ... what really matters are results.

The left has created an environment of low expectations for African Americans. This has destroyed black culture, including the family and a sense of self-reliance.

The libertarians have the same expectations of every man, regardless of color. No special treatment because none is needed. We want every child to see their parents take pride in their achievements and to strive to achieve even more.

What cannot be disputed is the current state of black quality of life. The numbers are staggering, any way you slice it, whether it be unemployment, incarceration, drug use, single parents or no parents. Yes, progress has been made in some areas, for a few. But overall, things could not be much worse.

I've often said that liberals are not evil and I do not believe they are racist. They are good intentioned and intelligent. However, they lack the wisdom to see the result of their policies. But after so many decades and so much damage, I would think they would catch on by now.

Slavery did not destroy black family and culture. Racism did not do it. This was the doing of the left, trying to help.